Saturday, May 7, 2011

Why My Face Is Uneven

and execution of Bin Laden: The two lids that did

With the summary execution of Time magazine Bin Laden again used an ancient custom of art in your home. He did it with Hitler, Saddam, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi:
But with Japan used its national symbol and not the Emperor Hirohito. Nor is the cross of blood, could be carbon, of incinerated in Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Tokyo:

Why is there no cap?

Hirohito was not because he was not considered as a war criminal for:

is that the U.S. needed a public figure and the Emperor Hirohito was chosen to pacify Japan. He was forced to appear in public to his people to tell the Japanese that he was not a divine being but flesh and blood like themselves. In return the Japanese would love another god, the Market and the owners of the companies that employ. Many senior Japanese officers were tried and sentenced to death. Not a few officials from the Japanese aristocracy were pardoned and appointed as government officials under the postwar U.S. occupation.

But there was a cover that Time did not nor will ever do:

Because Ho Chi Minh died in his bed surrounded by the love of his people. It was in 1969 when the Americans told us they were on the moon. It was after the 1968 Tet Offensive. Uncle Ho died knowing that, at least not without sacrifice that until then, victory was Vietnamese.


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