Monday, May 2, 2011

Can Hemorrhagic Cyst Be Cancer

AMERICAN PROGRESS? In Vietnam were thrown alive

is clear that the decision to dispose of the corpse of Bin sea \u200b\u200bLaden was taken previously. Someone in the middle of planning meeting will have been inspired by saying "And the sea erased all traces" for what must have been applauded by all present.

When you lie about something then you have to lie about everything . U.S. history is full of lies actions carried out after rough but made national truths with the consent and cooperation essential to the corporate media.

The Vietnam War was where most truths are revealed through the images of photographers and cameramen without censorship. The lost. Bush to the Gulf War said: "There will be another Vietnam." He did not refer to the bombings, massacres of civilians, torture, that was all, spoke the truth, censoring the press in covering the war.


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