Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day Late For Period High Cervix

"Imagination squared" Monsieur Don Nicola

"Cartoon, imagination squared" is the title a book dedicated to gender Marcelo Birmajer mentioned and where the pun comes very well to the work of Torino. The artist himself was able to state that was considered especially proficient in the performance of scripts.

But in this case, I would not emphasize them either in the drawings of his cartoons, but in the illustration of tapas. These, which always require special dedication show that Torino skills could also fly in that specialty. Here, three examples of different issues where plasticity, color, delirium, and the imagination of which I spoke at the beginning are perfectly exposed to the delight of everyone.

Number 2 (1959)

Numbers 12 and 13 (1959)


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